from Noises
1st Dance Residency
Figure 1: The dancers meditating on the day of silence. The video captures the soundscape of the city through the open windows which was one of the background sounds on the day of keeping silence.
The video was taken by the researcher.
2nd Dance Residency
Figure 3: 'Silence'. A dancer's drawing depicting her experience of practicing silence.
Figure 2: 'The drawing of silence. I feel like an observer of my life. Life (on mute). [The dancer's] Headquarters'. A dancer's drawing depicting her experience of practicing silence.
The drawings were made by the participants. The pictures were taken by the researcher.
3rd Dance Residency
Figure 4: A dancer's photo of nature describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 5: A dancer's photo of nature and the accommodation premises describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 6: A dancer's photo of nature describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 7: A dancer's photo of a little boy and horse stables describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 8: A dancer's photo of another dancer smoking on the balcony describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 9: A dancer's photo of another dancer writing in her diary describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 10: A dancer's photo of fields and sheep nearby the residential space describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 11: A dancer's photo of nature and of a sign near the residential space describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.
Figure 12: A dancer's photo of the forest near the residential space describing the experience of keeping silence for a day.